Changes in XMBF 1.80: --------------------- - added new fit models (see the user manual for details): "multi_exp_nonsym_mat_model", "multi_exp_expE_nonsym_mat_model", "multi_alt_exp_nonsym_mat_model", "multi_alt_exp_expE_nonsym_mat_model", "multi_exp_2var_model", "multi_exp_expE_2var_model", "threept_constant_model", "threept_constant_sqr_model" - added the option "bootstrap_normalization" in "fit_settings". If set to "true", the normalization of the data correlation matrix is changed (see the user manual for details) - XMBF now checks the uniqueness of the parameter names within each individual model - fixed the following minor bug: "threept_multi_exp_expE_model" and "threept_multi_alt_exp_expE_model" were returning an incorrect function string (did not affect the fitting at all, just the printout).